Friday, May 21, 2010

Baby Signs "Sign of the Week" AFRAID

Learning to identify and express feelings helps babies get a healthy head start in their social and emotional development. Watch this video with your baby and learn the sign for AFRAID!

Thank you to all of our Baby Signs Instructors and signing parents who contributed such fun photos and videos this week. If you have a photo or video for "sad," or "angry," - or a photo for our Father's Day video, please send it to

Watch previous Sign of the Week videos
Request a sign
Download poster

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Baby Signs Sign of the Week: HAPPY!


This is the first in our series of videos for feelings signs. Learning to identify and express feelings helps babies get a healthy head start in their social and emotional development.

Watch previous Sign of the Week videos
Request a sign

Thank you to all of our Baby Signs Instructors and signing parents who contributed such beautiful photos for our video this week. If you have a photo of your baby that demonstrates "sad," "afraid," or "angry," please send it to

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Baby Signs Subscription Sweepstakes

Subscribe to the Baby Signs "Sign of the Week" Newsletter and receive a weekly email with a short video that will teach you and your baby a useful sign. The email also includes signing tips, free downloads and coupon codes for Baby Signs products.

Subscribe before June 10th and automatically get the Baby Signs Animals PDF Poster Pack a free gift of 12 printable posters - perfect for your baby's room!

In addition, you will be entered to win a vSmileBaby Infant Development System with a full set of with Baby Smartridge games! Winner will be notified on Friday, June 11.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Need Baby Photos for Sign of the Week Video

I want to make YOUR BABY a star! I am working on the Sign of the Week video for HAPPY and would love to include photos of your smiling, laughing, happy baby.

Please email images to me by Tuesday 5/11 at


-Linda Easton
Director of Marketing,
Baby Signs, Inc.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Baby Signs Sign of the Week: Mommy!

My Unforgettable Mother's Day Gift

"Joshua, my third baby boy and third signer gave me such a special Mother's Day gift last year. A little over a year old and he was signing up a storm. He would use the sign for "Daddy" for any close family member, Mommy included. No matter how hard I tried he refused to sign "Mommy." He would just look at me and grin with that "I know what you want, but unless you agree to give me an unlimited supply of cookies you're not getting it." look.

Then on Mother's Day I tried again. I asked Joshua, "Can you sign 'Mommy'?" He looked at me and signed "Love Mommy." That child was instantly forgiven for all the sleepless nights and earned major brownie points for the future. He had the biggest smile full of pride on his face like he had been saving it up for just this day, this moment. He signed it over and over and used the sign for "Mommy" every day after that.

That Mother's Day will forever be one of my favorites. For my baby to be able to communicate so young and tell me he loves me; To see the pride and joy on his face because he made Mommy so happy is a gift I will cherish always."

-Elizabeth Sprague

Learn the sign of the week: Mommy!

This week's video features photos of signing moms from around the world. Thank you for sharing!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Baby Signs Video: Learn the sign for GRANDMA!

Many of us will have the opportunity to get together with our moms and mother-in-laws next weekend. To get ready, watch this video with your baby to learn the American Sign Language sign for "GRANDMA!"

Watch previous Sign of the Week videos
Request a sign Weekend WOW!

Get "My Spoken Words" book FREE
with any order of $49 or more in the continental US
Friday 4/30 @ noon - Sunday 5/2 @ midnight

Coupon Code: freebook430

My First Spoken Words teaches babies to say the words: Baby, Mommy, Daddy, Milk, Ball, and Bye-bye.

Babies HEAR the words as they turn the pages! Learning to talk is easier for babies when they hear lots of "infant-directed" speech that is characterized by engaging sounds that hold a baby's attention, a slow-paced pronunciation of simple words and lots of repetition.

This book compliments signing and make it easy for babies to learn to speak their first words. They focus on words that research has shown to be among the easiest for babies to learn and combines innovative new technology, the power of infant-directed speech and vivid images to promote faster learning.Regular Retail

Regular Retail Price: $12.99
Authors: Dr. Linda Acredolo and Dr. Susan Goodwyn
Board Book, 6x9 inches, 12 pages, free battery replacement.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Baby Signs Sign of the Week: TREE

Happy Earth Day!
Watch this video with your baby and learn the American Sign Language sign for "TREE"

Watch previous Sign of the Week videos
Request a sign

Early potty training is good for the environment!
1-Day Earth Day Special: Save $10 on the Baby Signs Potty Training Kit with code: 10bucks

Download this free poster for your baby's room