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Get "My Spoken Words" book FREE
with any order of $49 or more in the continental US
Friday 4/30 @ noon - Sunday 5/2 @ midnight
Coupon Code: freebook430

Babies HEAR the words as they turn the pages! Learning to talk is easier for babies when they hear lots of "infant-directed" speech that is characterized by engaging sounds that hold a baby's attention, a slow-paced pronunciation of simple words and lots of repetition.
This book compliments signing and make it easy for babies to learn to speak their first words. They focus on words that research has shown to be among the easiest for babies to learn and combines innovative new technology, the power of infant-directed speech and vivid images to promote faster learning.Regular Retail
Regular Retail Price: $12.99
Authors: Dr. Linda Acredolo and Dr. Susan Goodwyn
Board Book, 6x9 inches, 12 pages, free battery replacement.