Monday, April 16, 2012

How Long From Sign to Word? It all depends….

A question I often get from parents—and from my professional colleagues interested in language development in general as well as baby sign language in particular—is how soon after a baby learns a sign will he or she start trying to say the word? The answer, as usual, is that it all depends. If the sign is substituting for a relatively easy word like ‘ball” or “more,” the word may appear quickly. On the other hand, if the word is long and complicated, like “elephant” or “butterfly,” the sign is likely to stick around longer.

But it also depends on a baby’s choice of strategy. Some children use signs to free them up to work on learning words for other things. These babies tend to hold on to their signs for quite a while, using them to increase the total number of things they can talk about. Other babies seem to use signs to speed up learning the word that a specific sign stands for. In these cases, the word appears relatively quickly. The logic lies in the fact that the more frequently a baby uses a specific sign, the more often adults respond by saying that specific word, thereby providing more opportunities for the child to learn it.

And, of course, some babies use both strategies. All this variety is what makes studying babies so fascinating! Can you figure out what your baby is doing?

Happy Signing (and don’t forget to follow us on Facebook)!


Linda Acredolo, Ph.D.
Co-Founder, the Baby Signs® Program
Professor Emeritus, UC Davis

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Let’s Hear it for Being Shy!

A wonderful new book has come out that I think everyone, parents and non-parents alike, should read. It’s called Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain. As the title suggests, the author is on a crusade to extol the virtues of a personality tendency our society too often thinks of as a disability—something to be ‘fixed.”

When I read the book myself, I immediately saw the connection to a section in my book (with Dr. Susan Goodwyn) called Baby Hearts from which I took an excerpt to use for this blog a full year ago. Obviously, the points are important and, I believe, worth repeating. So, here you are:

Do you have a “shy” child? I have two! Both my son and daughter come by their shyness honestly because neither one of their parents could be called extroverted! In fact, learning to overcome my inherently introverted personality in order to stand up in front of large classes of undergraduates required years of patience and practice.

Oh dear! Even in this opening paragraph I’ve fallen victim to a reaction to shyness typical of Western culture. Because Western cultures tend to value assertiveness and sociability, parents of shy children often worry that their child is at a disadvantage. If you find yourself in this category, it may help you deal with your anxiety to realize that being shy usually comes with some very nice side benefits. In fact, the human race probably wouldn’t still be here were it not for the talents that shy people tend to development. Here are some examples:

Shy Children Tend to be Keen Observers: Because they are so concerned about what other people think about them, shy children work harder than most children at being able to read subtle emotional cues in other people’s behavior and expressions. This is a skill that serves them well in any interactions they have.

Shy Children Tend to be Natural Empathizers: Because they are keen observers and know all too well what it is like to suffer, shy children often develop greater empathy for others than their comparably aged peers.

Shy Children Tend to be Good Imaginers: Because they spend more time on their own, shy children often create inner worlds of great richness. And having a vivid and creative imagination can be enormously useful, helping them excel in many fields.

Shy Children Tend to be Loyal Friends: Because they sometimes have trouble making friends, once they have one, shy children are incredibly loyal. They understand how precious a good friend truly is and go to great lengths to be the very best friend they can be.

So, the next time you begin to worry about your “shy” child, remember that being shy isn’t the huge disadvantage that it’s sometimes made out to be. There are, in fact, many silver linings to be treasured!

Happy Signing (and don’t forget to follow us on Facebook)!


Linda Acredolo, Ph.D.
Co-Founder, the Baby Signs® Program
Professor Emeritus, UC Davis

Monday, March 26, 2012

Laughter is the Best Medicine—at Any Age

This week's topic veers from my usual signing with babies theme to describe a wonderful part of every child's development.

One of the true blessings that comes with being human is the ability to laugh. Laughter takes our minds off our troubles, even if only for a moment, eases tensions, raises our heart rate and spurs our blood to circulate efficiently. And last, but not least, laughter makes us feel happy. No wonder the comics are routinely the most popular part of the newspaper.

What adults often don’t realize is that children begin honing their own comedic skills at impressively young ages. Below are some steps in the development of what we call a “sense of humor” as sketched out by Professor Paul McGhee.

Tickle, Tickle Time: The very first arena for humor is the physical one, with a baby’s first giggles likely to come as the result of a tickle fest. As the baby’s memory develops, the humor becomes even more intense as she begins to be able to anticipate the touch—as at the end of a game like “Gitcha…gitcha…gitcha….GOTCHA!”

The Old “Diaper on the Head Routine”: During the 2nd year, visual humor is added to tactile humor. As they become familiar with the functions of common objects—what they are expected to do--babies begin to find humor in violations of those expectations. That’s why talking into a banana as though it were a phone, trying to stuff your own foot into your baby’s shoe, or putting a diaper on your head brings down the proverbial house!

A Rose by Any Other Name is…Hilarious: In a similar fashion, once toddlers begin to use and understand words, they start to find it funny when words are used in the wrong contexts. Calling a cow a horse, calling a sock a shoe, or making a funny guess about something’s name (“I bet your name is Bubbles! Am I right”?”) is bound to generate a laugh.

Tickle, Pickle, Wickle Time: For preschoolers, now that language is well developed, playing with the sounds of words is fun. This is when tongue twisters start to be entertaining and songs like “Apples and Bananas.”

Riddled with Meaning: As children continue to hone their language skills, they begin to appreciate that words have multiple meanings and that using a meaning other than the one expected is a great source of humor.
Question: What happens when you irritate a clock?
Answer: It gets ticked off!

So, even if you’re heard your child’s joke a million times, go ahead and laugh! Remember, supporting your child’s attempts at humor really is important because, at its core, humor is creative. In understanding that a joke is funny, children are demonstrating the ability to do a bit of mental gymnastics that is not only good cognitive practice, but also good for the soul.

Happy Signing (and don’t forget to follow us on Facebook)!


Linda Acredolo, Ph.D.
Co-Founder, the Baby Signs® Program
Professor Emeritus, UC Davis

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Signing and Child Care: A Wonderful Partnership!

We’re delighted to report that more and more child care centers are becoming “Certified Baby Signs® Centers.” This designation means that their teachers have received formal training in how to incorporate the Baby Signs® Program into their infant and toddler classroom and are dedicated to helping the children in their care enjoy the benefits of enhanced communication at school as well as at home. (Click here to find a Certified Baby Signs® Center in your community.)

We here at Baby Signs, Inc. developed a specific training for child care centers because of research conducted by a former student of ours, Dr. Claire Vallotton, at the UC Davis Center for Child and Family Studies. Her data revealed that signing in the classroom . . .

• reduces frustration and tears, thereby making classrooms more peaceful and children less anxious,
• decreases biting and other aggressive behaviors that occur when children don’t have words,
• builds trust between babies and caregivers because children are confident their needs will be met,
• motivates caregivers to pay closer attention to children and, therefore, to respond to their needs more quickly and more appropriately,
• promotes positive emotional development by enabling children to express emotions and feelings, including empathy,
• provides a universal language so that children and caregivers who don’t speak the same language can still communicate.

Who wouldn’t want their child to be in an environment where all these wonderful benefits are available?

So, if your child care program doesn’t yet use signing in the classroom, by all means encourage the director to visit our website and learn how easy it is to incorporate the Baby Signs® Program into small and large child care settings. Finally, don’t forget that there’s strength in numbers. Find out whether other families with children in your center are also signing at home and work together to make your case. Everyone will benefit!

Happy Signing (and don’t forget to follow us on Facebook)!


Linda Acredolo, Ph.D.
Co-Founder, the Baby Signs® Program
Professor Emeritus, UC Davis

Sunday, March 11, 2012

How Would You Feel If. . . .

Once again, I’m detouring from my usual discussion of signing with babies to some parenting advice drawn from my book with Dr. Susan Goodwyn entitled Baby Hearts: A Guide to Giving Your Child an Emotional Head Start.

“I’m so disappointed in you! Go to your room and think about what you did!”

These two sentences are hardly rare. Most parents probably have uttered them at one time or another. However, just because they are typical doesn’t mean they are a good idea! In addition to implying that love will be withdrawn, these messages leave out at least two very important pieces of information: (1) why what the child did wasn’t a good idea, and (2) what should have been done instead. The words succeed in making the child feel bad, but they don’t teach her how to be better in the future.

How would you feel if the same message was addressed to you? Suppose you had just gotten off the phone with a very disagreeable customer whose outrageous accusations caused your own temper to flare. Now suppose your boss, overhearing your end of the conversation, steps into your office and says, “I’m so disappointed in you. Go home and think about what you did.”

Can you see how unhelpful that is? You probably already know that you didn’t handle the situation well; what you don’t know is how you should have handled it: Called on your boss to take the call? Used some stock phrases to placate the customer? Claimed the call was breaking up and disconnected? Thanks to your boss’ choice of words, you still don’t know and may well find yourself in the same situation tomorrow. And to make matters words, you now feel humiliated as well as angry.

Well, guess what? Young children have the same reaction but with even less ability to think about alternative behaviors even if they wanted to! They need alternatives explained calmly and clearly. Keep this in mind the next time you are tempted to send this message—to anyone.

Happy Signing (and don’t forget to follow us on Facebook)!


Linda Acredolo, Ph.D.
Co-Founder, the Baby Signs® Program
Professor Emeritus, UC Davis

Monday, March 5, 2012

Working Parents and Signing

Working parents sometimes ask me whether they can take advantage of the Baby Signs® Program because they are away from their baby for a good part of the day. The answer is a resounding “Yes!”

Even children in full-time care spend significantly more time with their parents than with outsiders. Who is it, after all, who provides the evening meal and bath, cuddles to read a bedtime book, responds to middle-of-the-night calls for help, and spends weekends dealing with every kind of need?

In fact, signing is a real gift to working parents because it makes the time you do spend together even more peaceful and satisfying. For example, signs work great during those hectic early-morning dressing and eating routines and can also be particularly helpful at the end of the day to reduce feelings of frustration that can arise so easily when everyone is tired.

Speaking of being tired, don’t forget that the sign for “sleep/bed” can be a huge help by enabling babies to actually let parents know that they are tired and ready for sleep. Being able to communicate such an important message is a real boon to both parent and child because everyone avoids the chaos that often ensues when a child moved into the overtired realm.

In short, by clarifying your baby’s needs, signs help mealtime, bath time, and bedtime routines, as well as middle-of-the-night encounters, go more smoothly. They help you reconnect and share your experiences after a long day apart and help turn typically stressful times into warm and precious moments. Whether you’re a working parent or not, signs make day-to-day life a lot more fun for everyone.

Happy Signing (and don’t forget to follow us on Facebook)!


Linda Acredolo, Ph.D.
Co-Founder, the Baby Signs® Program
Professor Emeritus, UC Davis

Monday, February 27, 2012

Signing: A Priceless Window into the Infant Mind

Much to my delight, the good news about baby sign language has spread far and wide—especially in contrast to how few people knew anything about it when Dr. Susan Goodwyn and I published our first research article about babies and signing in 1985.

I do find, however, that many parents and child care providers focus almost exclusively on the signs around mealtime—like EAT, DRINK, MILK, MORE, ALL DONE. What a shame! Yes, babies want and need to communicate these things, but many of them are even more interested in communicating about the exciting things they see in the world around them.

Babies want to tell those they love that they see a doggie, a bird, a butterfly, or a truck. They want to request to read a book, blow bubbles, or go outside. Providing babies with signs for these things, as we do in the Baby Signs® Program, gives them a chance to share their worlds with adults—and gives adults an amazing window into the infant mind.

Here’s a story that illustrates just how signing helps babies tell us what’s on their minds. It’s a story that came to us via email from the Netherlands many years ago and is still one of our favorites:

When a man with dreadlocks sat down across from fourteen-month-old Sam and his mother on the bus, Sam turned to her an signed HAT. “Oh honey, I know it looks like a hat, but it’s really hair,” whispered his mother. Sam turned back to the man, stared intently, and very emphatically repeated the HAT sign. Catching on to the situation, the young man invited Sam to feel his dreadlocks for himself. No sooner had Sam’s fingers touched the man’s hair than Sam, his eyes wide with surprise, made the HAIR sign. The message was as clear as if he had spoken the words: “It is hair!”

Happy Signing (and don’t forget to follow us on Facebook)!


Linda Acredolo, Ph.D.
Co-Founder, the Baby Signs® Program
Professor Emeritus, UC Davis