Thursday, August 6, 2009

Using Baby Signs to fight a global pandemic? What do you think of this?

This BBC news report surprised us!

What you think about using baby sign language in the fight against swine flu?
We'd love to hear your opionions.

Linda Easton
Director of Marketing,
Baby Signs, Inc.


  1. I am very over hearing about the Swine Flu, between the news and school talking about it they have my seven year old terrified.

    But I think it's great to teach babies signs to communicate when they don't feel well. I always explain to parents that one of my favorite benefits of teaching a baby to sign is that it can help them tell you when something is wrong, fever, ear infections, sore or headache..... things that are difficult to diagnose early otherwise.

  2. I think the fact that parents can teach little ones to tell us if they don't feel well, especially if it is something like Swine Flu, might just save a life in the end.

    I know everyone is tired of hearing about it, but I'm glad that they keep reminding everyone that it isn't OVER just yet.

    Thanks for the post.
    Alicia - Babysigningmomma
