Showing posts with label sign language for babies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sign language for babies. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Signing: A Priceless Gift for One Little Girl

Ever hear someone say, “Oh, signing---that’s just parlor tricks for babies. You say a word and they produce the sign. How is that any different from a dog who rolls over when you say the words?” Whenever I hear comments like this I know that that person has been around a signing baby enough to see the Baby Signs Program in action. So, what do I say in response? I tell them the following story

Heather, a Baby Signs instructor in Iowa, had a baby daughter who started using signs at about 10 months and became quite the signer by 14 months. It was at this point that the baby began to have what looked like severe temper tantrums. She would flail her arms and legs and twist her head back and forth, often falling to the floor. When Heather sought help, she was simply told that it was probably just the terrible-twos starting early. But then Heather noticed that each time her daughter had one of these “spells,” she would tap her index fingers together—the sign for HURT. That’s when Heather knew something serious was wrong—and she was right. Heather insisted that she see a pediatric neurologist who discovered that her daughter had Childhood Epilepsy! Fortunately, because it was diagnosed extremely early, she escaped any long term neurological problems and has done so well that she was spared long term medication.

Certainly doesn’t sound like “parlor tricks” to me! How about you?

Happy Signing!
Linda Acredolo, Ph.D.
Baby Signs Program

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

26 Years and Counting!

Hi Everyone--

It’s hard for me to believe it’s been over 25 years since I first noticed my 12-month-old daughter, Kate, creating her own sign for flower out in our yard. Those of you who have read our book, Baby Signs, know the story. In her desperation to communicate, she pointed at a rose bush, turned to me—and sniffed! What’s more, she proceeded to continue using that sniffing gesture throughout the day whenever she saw flowers—on the table, the wallpaper, and even on her jammies! I was so fascinated that I even recorded it in my journal: “Katie did the cutest thing today.” And that was the start! Susan and I gathered data as Kate made up more and more signs and also quickly picked up the simple, common sense ones we modeled for her. After all, she was clearly eager to do this, so why not make it easy for her?

And now, Kate is almost 28 years old and still smart as a whip! And my second little signer, my son Kai, is almost 23. Those of you who have watched the Baby Signs introductory video on our website will have seen him signing “Fish” when he was barely 12 months old. He was adorable then and is still adorable today! (I’m not biased, of course.) And he’s still helping Baby Signs, this time as the computer guru in our home office.

It’s wonderful to know that what started as a single observation over a quarter century ago is making such a wonderful difference to families around the world.

Happy Signing!

Linda Acredolo, Ph.D.
Baby Signs Program